Write for Us

How to write for Public Library of Scientific Literature-Pakistan (PLoSL-Pak)?
  • We follow some guidelines that is more than important for us and without that, we could not be able to consider the article for publication
  • Plagiarism free article within the range of 800-2000 words
  • Citation, if you are interested (references within the text) or bibliography (references at the end of the article) is necessary
  • Images are very important and always cite the source of images that you are using in articles
What are we looking for?
  • We are looking for talented writers (new or experienced), who want to write for PLoSL-Pak. The writer could be students, professionals, or teachers; we would be very happy to work with both writers who are interested to write in English or Urdu.
What we are publishing right now?
  • We are publishing summaries of a variety of scientific articles related to Science & Technology, Health & Nutrition, Biochemistry & Biotechnology, Environment & Energy and other scientific fields. If you are writing a review on international research or review article, you are advised to write your discussions in a positive way. If you have any conflict of interests with authors, whose research article you are going to write a review or summary, then please let us know before.
  • We would heartily encourage our writers to write on current international and national issues in English or Urdu, whatever the medium they want to raise their voice.
  • Additionally, we are also interested to publish complete Urdu translations of scientific research articles or review articles for our visitor’s interest. If anyone is interested, let us know exclusively before writing anything.
  • We would appreciate our writers if they are interested to publish their own research article through our platform either in English or in Urdu. If you are interested to publish your article through our platform then, make it sure that you will not publish your article at any other platform. Because it would raise the copyright issues where applicable. If you have already published your article somewhere else, then please discuss with us at the given email address.
What we are not looking for?
  • If you have published your data before through any other platform
  • If you have any conflict of interest with authors or any other relevant person
  • If your data is plagiarized
Contact Us: if you have any query or issue regarding writing please feel free to contact us at m.numan.phd@gmail.com